Friday 10 October 2014


European Commission deregulates fixed line markets

European Commission "cutting red tape"
The European Commission has confirmed that two fixed line markets will no longer be subject to regulation in Europe. The retail market for access to fixed telephony, and the wholesale market for fixed call origination will no longer be affected by price caps.

European Commission antitrust probe clears ISPs

No wrong-doing found by the European Commission.
The European Commission has announced that an investigation into content delivery antitrust has failed to find evidence of wrong-doing by internet service providers. Inspections were carried out after concerns were raised about the potential abuse of dominant market positions and violation of EU antitrust regulations.

Ofcom will be leaderless in early 2015

Ed Richards will be stepping down in December
UK communications regulator Ofcom has announced that Ed Richards, the group’s Chief Executive, will be standing down from his role at the end of 2014. The search for his successor is under way, and is targeted for completion in early 2015, despite Ofcom apparently having had significant advance warning of his departure.

Departing Neelie Kroes urges telcos to embrace OTTs

Kroes suggests telcos need to embrace the OTT relationship.
The European Commission Vice President, Neelie Kroes, has delivered a farewell speech to the members of the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO); in which she urged telcos to embrace over-the-top (OTT) players, and stated her dream for the European telecommunications sector after the current Commission’s tenure ends at the end of October.

EC to soften roaming caps blow for telcos – report

EC considers a softer a approach to roaming price caps
The European Commission’s (EC) plans to abolish retail roaming rates within EU altogether by 2016 could be changed to a watered-down ‘fair-use’ policy instead, according to a draft report seen by the Financial Times.

When in roam

European mobile operators are big boys and can look after themselves, but sometimes the Informer can’t help feeling for them as they strive to fend off attacks from Silicon Valley OTT giants like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook, while being constantly hamstrung by their own side.

Telefónica acquisition of E-Plus gets conditional all-clear

Cleared at last
The European Commission has announced the conditional approval of Telefónica’s bid to acquire German operator E-Plus, almost a year after the deal was first announced, which will result in the merger of Germany’s third and fourth-largest operators and reduce the total number of operators in the country to three.

Europe and South Korea ally to define and develop 5G

5G is the way forward
The European Commission and the South Korean government have jointly announced an agreement designed to facilitate the definition and development of 5G wireless technologies. A key immediate aim is to establish a global consensus on the definition of 5G, something that the industry has only very recently begun to discuss in public.

Vodafone revelations: government snooping “bad for business”

Lack of trust harms business confidece
Vodafone on Friday piled pressure on its peers for transparency in how much access governments and authorities have to national telecommunications networks. The UK-based carrier released a substantial document revealing the level of government access required in each of the 29 countries the company holds an operating licence in.

EU single market package draws closer to approval

The European Parliament’s Industry and Research Committee (ITRE) has voted to approve the telecoms single market package proposed by the European Commission
The European Parliament’s Industry and Research Committee (ITRE) has voted to approve the telecoms single market package proposed by the European Commission. The package, outlined in September 2013, aims to abolish roaming rates within the EU as well as coordinate spectrum assignment across the region. It also calls for consumer rights to be harmonised across Europe, EU-wide protection of net neutrality and simpler rules across the EU to enable companies to invest more and cross borders with their offerings.

MEPs call for universal device charger

European lawmakers have called for a common charger to be used for all mobile handsets sold in the EU
European lawmakers have called for a common charger to be used for all mobile handsets sold in the EU. MEPs said that such that introducing a universal charger would reduce waste, cost and hassle for users. A draft outlining the legislation has been informally agreed with the EU’s Council of Ministers.

Smaller European operators oppose EU roaming directive

14 European mobile operators have warned of the damaging effects that the EC’s plans regarding the abolition of roaming charges could have on competition in the region
A coalition of 14 European mobile operators has warned of the damaging effects that the European Commission’s plans regarding the abolition of roaming charges could have on competition in the region.

Merkel, Kroes’ propositions for EU cloud “aren’t contradictory,” says EC

EU data roaming regulations and the rise of personalised user policies
This weekend German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for the creation of a secure European communications network that would avoid US-based networks and servers. But after questions about the compatibility of Neelie Kroes’ proposals to create a well-governed ‘Open Internet’ with Merkel’s calls for an “EU only” infrastructure, the European Commission reiterated support for the German Chancellor’s calls for better security and data protection but declined to comment on how the two proposals would feasibly coexist.

EC claims operators missing out on 300 million customers due to roaming rates

The European Commission has published research that suggests that Europe’s mobile operators are missing out on business from 300 million customers by levying roaming rates within the EU
The European Commission has published research that suggests Europe’s mobile operators are missing out on business from 300 million customers by charging roaming premiums within the EU. The research forms part of the EC’s continuing drive to end EU roaming charges.

Orange includes European roaming in high-end contracts

Orange has said it has included roaming services in high-end tariffs for customers travelling across its entire European footprint
French operator group Orange has said it has included roaming services in high-end tariffs for customers travelling across its entire European footprint. The operator has also launched an online portal to enable customers to remotely top up mobile credit for over 350 operators globally.

European telecoms reform faces delay

The European Commission has said that its proposals to reform of the EU telecoms market are unlikely to gain approval before September or October 2014
Further restrictions on European roaming charges are now likely to be introduced in September or October, rather than July as originally planned. In its initial proposals to reform the EU telecoms market, the European Commission intended to ban incoming call charges for roaming citizens within the region by July 1st 2014.

Telefónica and Orange grow European startups

European operator groups Telefónica and Orange have thrown their weight behind a project led by the European Commission to help the region’s technology startups to grow into global internet firms. The EC said it plans to “take on Silicon Valley” with the launch of two initiatives; an acceleration programme called the Startup Europe Partnership and a think tank called the European Digital Forum.

European Commission warns Spanish regulator over Telefónica price caps

The EC has asked Spanish regulator CNMC to amend its proposal setting the regulated prices to sell broadband services on Telefónica's network
The European Commission has formally asked Spanish regulator CNMC to withdraw or amend its proposal to cap the prices which dominant operator Telefónica can charge rivals that want to sell broadband services on it network.

EC seeks to unlock private investment

The European Commission has outlined its intention to drive broadband investment
The European Commission has outlined its intention to drive broadband investment across member states by unlocking opportunities for private sector ventures rather than replacing them with its own funding.

Samsung proposes to end patent wars in Europe

Following investigations from the EC, Samsung has put forward a proposal not to seek injunctions in Europe for the next 5 years
Korean handset maker Samsung has offered to call a truce over its ongoing patent disputes with rival handset firms. It has proposed to the European Commission that it will not to seek any injunctions over smartphone and tablet technologies in Europe on the basis of any of its standard essential patents (SEPs) for the next five years.